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BCS HealthCare

BCS HealthCare is a BCS Technologies Group that is committed to working with every level of the health care community to integrate your people and processes with technology. BCS HealthCare provide affordable solutions through the formation of interdependent partnerships and the use of customized technology that focuses on the critical components of the Public Health Information Network (PHIN).

BCS HealthCare delivers a complete suite of customized solutions developed in a consistent 3-tiered and 4-tiered architecture that serves as the building block for your PHIN. We follow industry proven processes that are repeatable to ensure quality, cost-effective services and products. The end result is a network of applications that interface seamlessly and leave room in your budget for maintenance and outreach support.       

Health Care Solutions


BCS HealthCare understands the diverse requirements of the Public Health Information Network (PHIN), which was designed to provide resources for building IT capacity within local public health agencies (LPHA).


We also recognize that the PHIN architecture is the "roadmap" to an effective implementation of any electronic information and communication system in health care.

Immunization Information Systems (SIIS)


A well designed and implemented immunization registry is the foundation to ensuring that our nation's children receive the appropriate immunizations at the proper times as established by the CDC.


The registry is the central repository for this data and captures all the necessary information to allow health care providers, schools, public health officials, and other community leaders to measure and track immunization progress within the community.

Registry Marketing, Recruitment, & Training


The technical development of an immunization registry is only the first step of a successful immunization program. Understanding that the registry, or any health care system, is only as good as the quantity and validity of the information that it contains is critical.


BCS HealthCare realizes this and places significant emphasis on the support infrastructure for statewide health care systems.       

At BCS HealthCare, we are committed to assisting the health care community in providing accessible and cost-effective services using technology to improve both productivity and efficiency.

BCS HealthCare is proud to contribute to a healthier nation.

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